Culture in Poznań


On a black background in a silver frame you can see one of the paintings from Jerzy Piotrowicz's Gallery

Exhibition: Grupa 4ARP+1

14.07 – 01.08.2021
Bilety darmowe

Artists: Andrzej Żurek, Monika Burchardt, Ewa Szydłowska, Alina Mierzyńska, Iwona Gett, Dariusz Grzelak, Dariusz Wojciechowski, Adam Grau, Cezary Hładki, Leszek Nolewski, Teresa Piatczyc

Exhibition open until August 1

On a black background in a silver frame you can see one of the paintings from Jerzy Piotrowicz's Gallery Pobierz baner (JPEG, 7,19 kB)