Culture in Poznań


Logo of National Museum in Poznań - red lines which form letters "M" and "N".

Exhibition: Much/Little. Two ways of thinking in graphic design

16.10 – 15.01.2023
Muzeum Sztuk Użytkowych (Museum of Applied Arts), Góra Przemysla 1, Poznań
Wstęp wolny

Exhibition Much/Little. Two ways of thinking in graphic design (Wiele/Niewiele. Dwie drogi myślenia w projektowaniu graficznym), open until 15.01.2023

24.-26.12., 31.12. - closed

For more, see: Museum of Applied Arts (in Polish)

Tickets: PLN 5 (reduced ticket),  PLN 7 (regular ticket)

Logo of National Museum in Poznań - red lines which form letters "M" and "N". Pobierz baner (PNG, 19,56 kB)