Culture in Poznań


Concert poster - photo of the artist.
CK Zamek (ZAMEK Culture Centre in Poznań), Sala Wielka (Grand Hall), ul. Święty Marcin 80/82, Poznań

Concert: Eivør

Concert poster - photo of the artist.
Sala Ziemi MTP (Earth Hall, Poznań International Fair), ul. Głogowska 14, Poznań

Concert: Krystian Ochman

Performance poster - white title of the performance on a gray background.
Aula Artis, ul. Tadeusza Kutrzeby 10, Poznań

Performance: BER

One of the ehibition works.
Galeria Centrala (Centrala Gallery), pl. Cyryla Ratajskiego 6A (Cyryl Ratajski square), Poznań

Exhibition: 85

Festival poster.
Klasztor oo. Franciszkanów (Monastery of Conventual Franciscans), ul. Franciszkańska 2, POznań

Händel Festival 2022

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