Culture in Poznań


The poster contains the name of the exhibition in Polish and English, as well as photos. One shows children building a pyramid from packets of banknotes. In the second one, a group of people is bending over piles of bricks. The third photo shows a woman in fashionable clothes driving a car.

Outdoor exhibition: After the Great War. A New Europe 1918-1923

04.03 – 05.04.2021
Bilety darmowe

Open-air exhibition After the Great War. A New Europe 1918-1923 (Po Wielkiej Wojnie. Nowa Europa 1918-1923), curated by dr Bartosz Dziewanowski-Stefańczyk (ESPS), dr Robert Żurek

Prepared by the European Memory and Solidarity Network in cooperation with an international group of historians, the exhibition attempts to offer an overview of the turbulent early interwar period, with particular emphasis on the history of Central and Eastern Europe. It comprises over 200 interactive archival materials including photos, documents, videos, maps and personal accounts.

The display's descriptions available in Polish and English

  • 4 March - 13 April
  • free admission

Read also: After the Great War exhibition has come to Poznań

The poster contains the name of the exhibition in Polish and English, as well as photos. One shows children building a pyramid from packets of banknotes. In the second one, a group of people is bending over piles of bricks. The third photo shows a woman in fashionable clothes driving a car. Pobierz baner (PNG, 46,72 kB)