Culture in Poznań



Open lectures - Prof. Zbigniew Formella SDB (Poland/Italy)

07.11 – 08.11.2018

University Adam Mickiewicz and the City of Poznań invite you to the next open lectures. This time two lectures will be given by prof. Zbigniew Formella SDB, salesian, lecturer at the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome. The lectures will take place on November 7th at 11 am and on November 8th at 3 pm at the Faculty of Theology of Adam Mickiewicz University (ul. Wieżowa 2/4, building A, auditorium A).

Interests and research of prof. Zbigniew Formella, SBD, focus on the psychology of education. In his work, he deals with pedagogical and psychological issues concerning children and youth, especially difficult (in the personality and social sense). He is the author and co-author of several dozen scientific studies devoted to the interdisciplinary understanding of the behavior of youth and the personality of the educator.

Professor Formella also serves as the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences (education of upbringing) and the head of the Department of Educational Psychology, is a member of the Scientific Circle of Francis de Sales, a member of the Scientific Committee of the magazines: "Medical Studies", "Progress in Health Sciences", "Education Humanist", "Yearbook Scientific Teachers' Priesthood", a member of the Scientific Committee: Master (Master) of the Two-Grade University of the Second Degree: Supervisor in Applied Behavior Analysis in the Autism Spectrum Disorders Program.

Professor Formella will give two lectures:

"Psychopedagogical profile of adolescents growing up in modern Europe" (7th November 2018, 11:00 am, building A, auditorium A, Faculty of Theology of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Wieżowa 2/4),

"Psycho-educational intervention towards the difficult youth in the light of the bio-psycho-social theory (U. Bronfenbrener)" (8th November 2018, 3:00 PM, building A, auditorium A, Theological Faculty of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Wieżowa 2/4).