2018-11-02 ( Friday ) 17:00 Dom Kultury "Na Skarpie" ("Na Skarpie" House of Culture), os. Piastowskie 104 Jazz All Souls Day
2018-11-02 ( Friday ) 18:00 Aula POSM II st. im. M. Karłowicza (Concert Hall of M. Karłowicz Music School), ul. Solna 12 Historical - musical spectacle for the sons of Wielkopolska Land
2018-11-02 ( Friday ) 18:00 Teatr Nowy, Trzecia Scena (The New Theatre, Third Stage), ul. ul. J.H. Dąbrowskiego 5 Two Ways. More and more Russian ballads and romances
2018-09-05 ( Wednesday ) – 2018-12-10 ( Monday ) The Gallery in Stary Browar, ul. Półwiejska 42 David La Chapelle: Songs For The World - The Exhibition
2018-10-28 ( Sun ) – 2019-01-06 ( Sun ) 14:00 Muzeum Narodowe (National Museum), Al. Marcinkowskiego 9 Exhibition: Józef Brandt 1841-1915