2018-11-07 ( Wednesday ) 19:00 Hala MP2 - the Poznań Fair's MTP2 hall, ul. Głogowska 14, Poznań Nothing But Thieves
2018-11-07 ( Wednesday ) – 2018-11-08 ( Thursday ) Faculty of Theology of Adam Mickiewicz University (ul. Wieżowa 2/4, building A, auditorium A), Poznań Open lectures - Prof. Zbigniew Formella SDB (Poland/Italy)
2018-09-05 ( Wednesday ) – 2018-12-10 ( Monday ) The Gallery in Stary Browar, ul. Półwiejska 42 David La Chapelle: Songs For The World - The Exhibition
2018-10-28 ( Sun ) – 2019-01-06 ( Sun ) 14:00 Muzeum Narodowe (National Museum), Al. Marcinkowskiego 9 Exhibition: Józef Brandt 1841-1915