Ryszard Kaja's posters, art and life - exhibition at Stary Browar's gallery

Stary Browar (Old Brewery) shopping center is associated with art partly thanks to Ryszard Kaja's works. His designs have been part of Atrium's decor for years. One of the Food Court's corners was named "Kajówka" to celebrate Kaja's connection to the place. It is decorated with 115 postcards with prints from "Poland" poster series.
The exhibition in Stary Browar's gallery encompasses various examples of Ryszard Kaja's artistic achievements: stage design and theatre costumes, paintings, sketches and posters. The works of art will be accompanied by very personal exhibits from Kaja's homes: his family apartment in Poznan, a minimalistic room in Łódź and, last but not least, an enormous shelf from his Wroclaw's flat, where the artist stored hundreds of souvenirs and knick-knacks.
One of Kaja's best known works are posters from the "Poland" series. They feature Polish regions, big cities but also tiny villages - all visited by Kaja himself. The entire series of over 160 prints will be presented in Stary Browar's gallery.
This exhibition is an amazing opportunity to discover the works created by Kaja - a multi-talented artist with unbelievable imagination and a great sense of humour.
Co zmalował Ryszard Kaja [What did Ryszard Kaja do] - exhibition
July 12th - September 30th, 12:00 - 8 pm.
Gallery at the Courtyard of Art, Stary Browar [Old Brewery], Poznań, Poland
Tickets: 10 PLN
materials made available by the organizer
© Wydawnictwo Miejskie Posnania 2019