The Three Kings' Retinue
Wstęp wolny
The Three Kings' Retinue is an outdoor event that re-enacts old Christmas mysteries and specifically the pilgrimage of the Three Wise Men to the Bethlehem crèche. It depicts a battle between good and evil, the Kings' entry into Jerusalem, their visit to Herod's palace, and the presenting of gifts to baby Jesus. The scenes are interspersed with collective carol singing with all retinue members joining in. The parade, held every Three Kings' Day on January 6, this year proceeds from Jeżyce to the city center.
- 12.30 pm - start - Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Florian (kościół Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa i św. Floriana), Kościelna street
- 2 pm - the end of the parade - Monastery of Dominicans, Niepodległości avenue
- 2.30 pm - singing carols
Free admission
For more, see: The Three Kings' Retinue website (in Polish only)
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