Culture in Poznań


Photo of a man, who is standing behind a camera; the camera's lens is facein a man. In the lower, right corner - the title of the exhibition.

Exhibition: Non-Human Portraits. The Machine as Author, Protagonist and Model

09.12 – 25.02.2024
CK Zamek (ZAMEK Culture Centre in Poznań), Galeria Fotografii pf (pf Photography Gallery), ul. Święty Marcin 80/82, Poznań
Wstęp wolny

Exhibition: Przemysław Jasielski. Non-Human Portraits. THe Machine as Author, Protagonist and Model (Przemysław Jasielski. Portrety nie-ludzkie. Maszyna jako autor, bohater i model), open until 25.02.

For more, see: Zamek Culture Centre website (in Polish)

See also: Przemysław Jasielski website

Tickets: PLN 7

Photo of a man, who is standing behind a camera; the camera's lens is facein a man. In the lower, right corner - the title of the exhibition. Pobierz baner (PNG, 97,12 kB)