Culture in Poznań


Concert poster with photo of a illuminated building at night and four small photos of singers. In the middle of the poster - the title of the concert.

Concert: The 3 Tenors & Soprano - Italian Opera Gala

Kościół Ewangelicko-Metodystyczny (Evangelica Methodist Church), ul. Ogrodowa 6, Poznań
Wstęp wolny

Concert: The 3 Tenors & Soprano - Italian Opera Gala

Tickets: PLN 80-120 eBilet, eventim

Attention! Change of place and time of the concert! Originally, the concert was to take place in Parafia polskokatolicka p.w. św. Kazimierza (St. Casimir Polish-Catholic Parish Church), ul. Bydgoska 4b, Poznań, at 6 pm

Concert poster with photo of a illuminated building at night and four small photos of singers. In the middle of the poster - the title of the concert. Pobierz baner (PNG, 62,09 kB)