Culture in Poznań


Graphic image in blue colours: the title of the festival and lines symbolizing waves.
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 57 (Primary School No. 57), ul. Leśnowolska 35, Poznań-Krzyżowniki

Concert: Zalman

Concert poster - photo of Szpaku and information about the event.
B17 Music Club, ul. Bułgarska 17, Poznań

Concert: Szpaku

Colourful concert poster with information about the event.
CK Zamek (ZAMEK Culture Centre in Poznań), Sala Wielka (Grand Hall), ul. Święty Marcin 80/82, Poznań

Concert: Choir is Cool

Photo of a group of dancers, some of them standing and some of them sitting on stools.
Polski Teatr Tańca (Polish Dance Theatre), ul. Stanisława Taczaka 8, Poznań

Performance: The Hat

One of the exhibition works.
CK Zamek (ZAMEK Culture Centre in Poznań), ul. Święty Marcin 80/82, Poznań

Exhibition: Imagine Dragons

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