2023-06-10 ( Saturday ) 19:00 2progi (2progi Club), al. Niepodległości 36, Poznań Concert: Collage-Over And Out Tour 2023
2023-06-10 ( Saturday ) 20:00 Pawilon - Nowa Gazownia (Pavilion), ul. Ewangelicka 1, Poznań Concert: Primitive Man
2023-04-01 ( Saturday ) – 2023-06-10 ( Saturday ) Centrum Informacji Kulturalnej (Cultural Information Centre) / Poznań Fotoplastykon, ul. Ratajczaka 44, Poznań Exhibition in Poznań Fotoplastykon: Once upon a time in the United Kingdom... Stereophotographs by George Washington Wilson
2023-06-08 ( Thursday ) – 2023-06-11 ( Sun ) Cyrk Waterland (Waterland circus tent), ul. Księcia Mieszka, Poznań Circus: Waterland
2023-05-05 ( Friday ) – 2023-06-16 ( Friday ) Galeria Piekary (Piekary Gallery), Św. Marcin 80/82 (entrance: Dziedziniec Różany CK Zamek), Poznań Exhibition: Jan Pamuła. The Pleasure of Communing with Colour
2023-06-03 ( Saturday ) – 2023-06-27 ( Tuesday ) CK Zamek (ZAMEK Culture Centre in Poznań), ul. Święty Marcin 80/82, Poznań Ceramic workshops
2023-03-04 ( Saturday ) – 2023-07-02 ( Sun ) CK Zamek (ZAMEK Culture Centre in Poznań), ul. Święty Marcin 80/82, Poznań Exhibition: Not That Sky
2023-06-04 ( Sun ) – 2023-07-22 ( Saturday ) ABC Gallery (Galeria ABC), ul. Koszalińska 15, Poznań Exhibition: Memory by Izabella Gustowska
2023-03-24 ( Friday ) – 2023-07-30 ( Sun ) Muzeum Narodowe (National Museum), Al. Marcinkowskiego 9, Poznań Exhibition: Kenya Hara. Japanese Graphic Design
2023-03-09 ( Thursday ) – 2023-07-30 ( Sun ) Muzeum Sztuk Użytkowych (Museum of Applied Arts), Góra Przemysla 1, Poznań Exhibition: Barbie. Unknown faces
2023-05-28 ( Sun ) – 2023-08-20 ( Sun ) Muzeum Narodowe (National Museum), Al. Marcinkowskiego 9, Poznań Exhibition: The Animal Before Me
2023-05-10 ( Wednesday ) – 2023-08-31 ( Thursday ) Archaeological Reserve Genius Loci, ul. ks. Posadzego 3, Poznań Exhibition: Early Medieval Gold Ornaments Discovered in the Goldsmith's Workshop at the Poznań Palatium
2023-04-28 ( Friday ) – 2023-08-31 ( Thursday ) Muzeum Archidiecezjalne (Archdiocesan Museum) / Modern Art Gallery, ul. J. Lubrańskiego 1, Poznań Exhibition: Icon from Lviv."And the Word became flesh"
2022-11-29 ( Tuesday ) – 2023-10-01 ( Sun ) Muzeum Narodowe (National Museum), Al. Marcinkowskiego 9, Poznań Exhibition: I go into the world and abide. Jacek Malczewski's paintings from the Lviv National Art Gallery
2023-04-27 ( Thursday ) – 2023-10-15 ( Sun ) Muzeum Archidiecezjalne (Archdiocesan Museum) / Modern Art Gallery, ul. J. Lubrańskiego 1, Poznań Exhibition: Jerzy Nowosielski. Icon and Abstraction.
2023-05-30 ( Tuesday ) – 2023-10-22 ( Sun ) Muzeum Archeologiczne (Archaeological Museum), ul. Wodna 27, Poznań Exhibition: Mummy of the Mysterious Lady. Studies and Perspectives
2023-05-23 ( Tuesday ) – 2024-03-30 ( Saturday ) Armaments Museum, Poznań Citadel, Al. Armii Poznań, Poznań Exhibition: Rychtyg, knary i maszynki - Armament of Greater Poland Troops 1919-1921