Culture in Poznań


Performance poster: a drawing of a girl sitting on a chair, with a rabbit on her knees. Some black plants on her both sides.

Performance: Alice in Wonderland

27.11 – 29.11.2022
Teatr Cortiqué (Cortiqué Theatre), ul. Petera Mansfelda 4, Poznań
Bilety płatne

Spectacle Alice in Wonderland (Alicja w krainie czarów) by Anna Niedźwiedź Ballet School, dir. A. Niedźwiedź

  • November, 27, 10.30 am, 1 pm, 3.30 pm, 6 pm
  • November, 28, 9.30 am, 11.30 am
  • November, 29, 9.30 am, 11.30 am

Tickets: PLN 75-120

See: Anna Niedźwiedź Ballet School website (in Polish)

Performance poster: a drawing of a girl sitting on a chair, with a rabbit on her knees. Some black plants on her both sides. Pobierz baner (PNG, 98,79 kB)