Exhibition: Wielkopolska in coins and medals. A journey through the millennium
Muzeum Narodowe (National Museum), Al. Marcinkowskiego 9, Poznań
Exhibition: Wielkopolska in coins and medals. A journey through the millennium, open until 29.01.2023
open: Tuesday - Sunday, Monday closed
24.-26.12., 31.12. - closed
curated by Witold Garbaczewski and Agnieszka Murawska
With nearly 1,500 artifacts on view, the exhibition brings together the two themes of coins (including treasures and tokens) and medals (including plaques and medallions). The display of these works of small relief and coinage art will give wider audiences an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the largely unknown physical and spiritual heritage of the Wielkopolska culture spanning the last millennium that usually remains hidden in the privacy of offices.
for more, see: National Museum website (in Polish)