poster of the exhibition "Breaking into a new dimension. The Artist Sophie Taeuber-Arp"

Exhibition: Breaking into a New Dimension. The Artist Sophie Taeuber-Arp

13.09 – 24.11.2019

The work of Sophie Taeuber-Arp is considered a quintessential embodiment of the abstract-geometric conceptions advanced by artists in the first half of the 20th century in various countries, including Poland.  The exhibition at ZAMEK Culture Centre will present the oeuvre of Sophie Taeuber-Arp spanning a period from the late 1920s to the untimely, tragic passing of the artist in January 1943. It was over those years that Sophie Taeuber-Arp developed her characteristic, unique style, and built the self-awareness of a thoroughly autonomous artist. Her achievement puts her among the foremost modern artists from the circles of Abstraction and Constructivism, such as  Hans Arp, Alexander Calder, Joan Miró or Katarzyna Kobro, all of whom signed The Dimensionist Manifesto, one of the most important avant-garde platform statements in the history of visual arts.

Read more here

materials made available by the organizer: CK Zamek

Exhibition of works from the collection of the Stiftung Arp e.V., Berlin
Curator: dr Maike Steinkamp
Arrangement of the exhibition: Paweł Grobelny

Tickets: 7 pln (reduced), 10 pln (regular)

open: Tuesday - Sunday 12 - 8 pm, Monday closed; 1st of November closed

read also: The avant-garde woman