Culture in Poznań


Photo from the concert: an illuminated stage and a crowd of people in front of it

Rockowizna Festival

22.08 – 24.08.2024
Ławica Airport, entrance: ul. Lotnicza (Lotnicza str,), Poznań
Wstęp wolny

Rockowizna Festival


Coma, Kult, Royal Republic, Nocny Kochanek, Łydka Grubasa, LemON, Hunter, Lordofon, Farben Lehre, Zenek Kupatasa, Pull the Wire, The Bill, Zalewski, Dirty Shirt, Hurt, Proletaryat, Jelonek, Transgresja

For more, see: Rockowizna Festival (in Polish)

Tickets: eBilet

Photo from the concert: an illuminated stage and a crowd of people in front of it Pobierz baner (PNG, 105,84 kB)