Culture in Poznań


Exhibition poster: photo of three Barbie dolls' faces and information about the exhibition.

Discover rarely discussed themes from the over sixty-year long "Barbie's life" in this guided tour. Gain an insight into the history of women, especially their role and importance in American society of the 2nd half of the 20th and early 21st century. The exhibition addresses
important social issues: the question of racism, exclusion on the basis of illness, disability, gender or age. It is also a story about culture, the ideas of the last few decades that Barbie reflected and sometimes even originated, and the events in which she participated. Can we
look into "Barbie's life" as if in a mirror and find our reflection in it today?

Guide: Aleksandra Podżorska - curator of the exhibition
Admission: 7 PLN /5 PLN