Culture in Poznań


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Performance: The Presidents

2023-03-10 ( Friday )
Teatr Nowy (The New Theatre), Scena Nowa (New Stage), ul. J.H. Dąbrowskiego 5, Poznań

Performance: Presidents (Prezydentki), dir. Piotr Kruszczyński

Elderly ladies - from the local sophisticate, through the typical shrinking violet to the curtain-twitching neighbour - all have entirely youthful dreams. The kind you only tell your closest friends and only on special occasions. About long-awaited grandchildren, a better life, a new fur, a pilgrimage to Licheń, an interesting occupation and about love - happy at last, finally forever... The list gets longer, the more modest the real possibilities of the dreamers turn out to be. Eh, Irena, Renata and Maryjka know this best. What will happen when during a banal teatime meeting they dare to release their fantasies from the leash of decency?

Teatr Nowy in Poznań invites for spectacles with subtitles in English

See: Teatr Nowy For Foreigners

materials made available by the organizer