Performance: Don Juan
Ballet in two acts based on Molière's play, dir. and chor. Robert Bondara
- February, 23, 11 am
- February, 24, 11 am and 7 pm
- February, 25, 7 pm
- February, 26, 6 pm
One of the most captivating figures in Western culture, Don Juan, is calling for a new story. Musically, we will be transported to sometime around the 17th and 18th century - the time of Gluck and Bach. But Bondara's interpretation, based on Molière's drama, will pose questions about the cause of Don Juanism. Are we still shocked by the seducer from Seville in our sexualised society with its omnipresent pornography? In 2020, a new classification of diseases developed by the WHO is to come into force, and one of the new items on this list is a compulsive sexual behaviour disorder, commonly referred to as sex addiction. Is Don Juan a new scourge of modernity?
Especially recommended for: the seduced, the divorced, and the perpetrators of any more or less love-related disaster.
Performed by Poznan Opera Ballet; performance for ages 16 and over
tickets: 43-50 pln
see more details here
materials made available by the organizer: Teatr Wielki w Poznaniu