Culture in Poznań


Exhibition poster - open CD cover and information about the event

Post-contest exhibition of the 8th edition of the 30/30 Contest for the best CD cover of 2021

23.06 – 31.07.2022
Old Brewery (Stary Browar), Courtyard Gallery (Galeria na Dziedzińcu), ul. Półwiejska 42, Poznań
Wstęp wolny

The exhibition of the 30/30 Competition - an exhibition of the best album covers of 2021, open until 31.07

  • June, 23, 6 pm - vernissage and award ceremony

Open: Tuesday - Sunday (12 - 8 pm), Monday closed

Free admission

Exhibition poster - open CD cover and information about the event Pobierz baner (PNG, 34,36 kB)