The Four Seasons

Performance: The Four Seasons

2019-11-24 ( Sun )
CK Zamek (ZAMEK Culture Centre in Poznań), Scena Nowa, ul. Święty Marcin 80/82, Poznań

SeZame (k) Theatre: The Four Seasons Miniatura Theatre, Gdańsk

The Four Seasons is a performance by Tomasz Maśląkowski, an artist well known in the circles of theatre for the youngest audiences; his  Podłogowo or  Kręcipupa are fantastically received by the audience. This time, children will go on a journey following the rhythm of the changing seasons, to experience the world of nature, its sounds and colours perceived via all the senses. The Four Seasons is an interactive show for pre-schoolers, a theatre of initiation which introduces children to the theatrical conceptualization and stimulates imagination.  

Tickets: 10 pln

materials made available by the organizer: CK Zamek